With this being the end of the article on how to insert text box in google docs. After selecting you will see your desired modifications Now hover on Order, and choose the box to be in front or backward

Select text, adjust the size, color of the text To edit text, double inside the text box, To add Color, select the box, then go to fill color and choose a color To change it size simply click any point and drag to adjust the size Simply click on the box, while drawing tool is opened You can create a tree chart by adding lines in a drawing tool, change the size of the text as well as box add colors, etc. Now that you have created a text box, you can also customize it.

Click on Save and Close, and it will appear on your main document Type any information you want inside the text box Free the mouse, and you will see a text box Now in the below area, create a text box by clicking and dragging your mouse A popup will appear, kindly choose Text Box from it Now go to insert and pick Drawing from the drop-down menu Go to your google doc file or add a new blank file In this How to Insert Text Box In Google Docs section, we will first go through all the steps on how to insert text box in google docs, and then we will add some information to it. A text box is similar to shapes, and you can customize them as you desire. Now you want to add some text box to your document and represent some important piece of information. In google docs, text boxes and all other shapes are inside the drawing tool. Unlike ms word, text boxes and shapes are a little complicated to find on google docs. (Steps) How to Insert Text Box In Google Docs very Easily You can make diagrams, add information to shapes, highlight essential pieces of information, and much more. Drawing tool features include various customization that can be added to your document files like shapes, arrows, callouts, and lines. But recently, it has implemented a drawing tool feature that packs all the creative stuff that is found in other word processors. Google docs is a recent word processor that doesn’t have all the features as compared to popular word processors like ms word or libre office.

Helps user to absorb information quickly.File doesn’t look boring that is filled with only text.Document look attractive and more understandable.Better presentation of information and data.Document look more organized and refined.(Steps) How to Insert Text Box In Google Docs very Easily.Benefits of Adding Shapes & Text Boxes:.